Wordcandy wishes her the best.
Ernestine Gilbreth Carey died Saturday. Ms. Carey was the co-author, along with her younger brother, Frank Gilbreth, of the wonderful memoir Cheaper By the Dozen. She was 98, and is survived by tw...
Borders Books draws a (totally bizarre) line in the sand.
I've only been half-aware of the flap surrounding Aury Wallington's new YA novel Pop, but I thought I'd pass along my tiny store of knowledge so that you too, gentle readers, can be In The Know (o...
The Mislaid Magician, or, Ten Years After, by Caroline Stevermer and Patricia C. Wrede

Caroline Stevermer and Patricia C. Wrede’s 1988 novel Sorcery and Cecelia was a delightful curiosity—a cult favorite that appealed equally to devotees of Diana Wynne Jones and Georgette Heyer. The book's two sequels, 2004’s The Grand Tour and the just-released The Mislaid Magician, don’t totally recapture the magic of the first story, but they still make for very entertaining reading...
Jane Austen movie news, now 100% clearer.
Okay, I was a little confused by all this--maybe it was too much awesomeness for my simple brain to comprehend--but I think I'm clear now. There is an upcoming feature film about Jane Austen's lif...
We have a cover...
While we only have a vague idea of when the final book in the 'Gregor' series will be released (we're hearing May 2007-ish), we now have the cover art! I am so excited for this book, and I have no...
Upcoming Harcourt titles
The good people at Harcourt Books were kind enough to send us their Spring-Summer 2007 Catalog, and I'm happy to see that there are several books coming out that I am really excited about, includi...
Harry Potter and the Junior Accountancy Job
Dude, what happened to you?Cute sports jacket, Harry. And what nicely combed hair you have! Did you send out those khakis for ironing, or did your loving aunt do it for you?I'm assuming that this ...
Holiday movies are approaching.
The HD trailer is now up for the big holiday blockbuster-to-be Eragon. I am still not really sure how I feel about this film adaptation, but so far the trailers have been working for me.
Wordcandy loves Sylvia Plath's poetry
It's been a long time since we've done one of these, but today is Sylvia Plath's birthday (and, let's face it, a lot of her stuff is very Halloween-appropriate), so I think it's time:TerminalRidin...
Miss Understanding, by Stephanie Lessing

At first glance, Stephanie Lessing’s novel Miss Understanding looks pretty generic. A fish-out-of-water comedy set in a fashion magazine? Shades of Ugly Betty. A neurotic, obsessive heroine with a bevy of psychosomatic illnesses? Shades of Bridget Jones. A female-empowering adult-coming-of-age story featuring lots of Mean Girls-style bad behavior and a romantically mismatched couple...
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Mega-popular author Barbara Delinsky has recently updated her non-fiction book Uplift: Secrets from the Sisterhood of Breast Cancer Survivors, and Anna Suknov at FSB Associates has very kindly off...
They're coming...
The holidays are careening towards us at warp speed, so it might be time to start thinking about presents, people. Now is the perfect time to stock up on inexpensive gifts for those terrifying peo...
About as weird as you'd expect.
While poking around at Seattle's Easy Street Records a few days ago (I was waiting for Bobbby Bare Jr*. to show up), I ran across a pile of Shel Silverstein CDs. Apparently, these recordings were ...
Match Me if You Can
I finally got around to reading Match Me if You Can, by Susan Elizabeth Phillips (it took a while, but midterms have put a major crimp on my reading time). This book reminded me of why I love Ms....
Guilty Pleasures
Check 'em out! The long-awaited Anita Blake comic book was released this week. While I could not bring myself to actually go out and spend my hard-earned money on one, I was able to find some sam...
Save the date?
The world's first Jane Austen-inspired tarot deck is scheduled to be released on March 7th, 2007. Behold:...yeah, I can't really see Miss Austen as a big tarot fan, either.
e-book news
Slate.com has an interesting article up about the Sony Reader, a $350 portable e-book device that that has many a pair of book-geek-y hands in a cold sweat. (Not mine, though. You'll have to rip t...
The Ladies of Grace Adieu, by Susanna Clarke

Fans of Susanna Clarke’s 2004 novel Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell will be thrilled to learn that Bloomsbury has just released a gorgeous collection of Ms. Clarke’s short stories, all of which are set in the same world as Strange and Norrell, although few feature the same characters...
More Diana Wynne Jones!
I was pleased to discover that Penguin Books has just reprinted Diana Wynne Jones's wickedly funny The Tough Guide To Fantasyland. Jones's book is presented as a mock guidebook, complete with map...
Have the coolest kitchen on your street.
Tile it pulp-fiction style!Tiles available through ClassicHardware.com
Two things.
When I saw the cover art for Eloisa James's upcoming book, two thoughts crossed my mind (after I stopped snickering):1. Isn't this story supposed to feature a non-size-4 heroine? Because that back...
What price weirdness?
I love Lewis Carroll's stuff, and I didn't blink an eye when, in 1999, Martin Gardner's lovely Annotated Alice was priced at $29.95. It's a beautiful and staggeringly well-researched book, and I ...
Just in time for Halloween...
...comes Dame Darcy's (author of the indie comic Meat Cake) illustrated version of Jane Eyre. If you happen to be a pretentious tool dressed up in a Goth-Lolita outfit, this is totally the book f...
The Pinhoe Egg, by Diana Wynne Jones

I was thrilled to learn that Diana Wynne Jones was writing another book for her Worlds of Chrestomanci series. Her previous effort, 2005’s Conrad’s Fate, was funny and surreal, a tongue-in-cheek Upstairs/Downstairs farce with some dreamlike fantasy thrown in...