Posts tagged with weekly-book-giveaway
Weekly Book Giveaway: Famous Last Words, by Katie Alender

This week's Book Giveaway is Katie Alender's YA murder mystery Famous Last Words. My original plan had been to focus entirely on horror novels this week, in honor of Halloween, but A) I actually want to read this sucker, and B) there might be a ghost in it...? Anyway, a full review will follow later today...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Alice in Zombieland, Through the Zombie Glass, and The Queen of Zombie Hearts, by Gena Showalter

This week we're giving away all three books in Gena Showalter's White Rabbit Chronicles: Alice in Zombieland, Through the Zombie Glass, and The Queen of Zombie Hearts. This series is a perfect October comfort read, and would go particularly well with any Halloween candy you might have already purchased... y'know, in case all the stores run out. Our full review will follow later today....
Weekly Book Giveaway: The Bodies We Wear, by Jeyn Roberts

This week's Book Giveaway pick is The Bodies We Wear, by Jeyn Roberts. The cover is graced with the tagline "Revenge Will Be Hers" and the plot seems to hinge upon a teen girl's attempt to get even with the people who forced her into drug addiction as a child, so I'm expecting hardcore DRAMA. Our review will be posted later today...
Weekly Book Giveaway: The Smoke Thief, by Shana Abe

This week's Book Giveaway is Shana Abé's The Smoke Thief. It's the first of her bestselling Drakon books, a series of historical fantasy/romance novels about characters that shift between human, dragon, and, uh, smoke monster forms (but not in a Lost kind of way)...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Mojo, by Tim Tharp

This week's Book Giveaway is Tim Tharp's Mojo, which was originally cursed with incredibly boring cover art. I was pleased to discover that the publishers chose something more eye-catching for the paperback version (and that they finally pointed out that Tharp also wrote The Spectacular Now, which was recently made into a movie), but damage was undoubtedly done...
Weekly Book Giveaway: The Screaming Staircase, by Jonathan Stroud

This week's Book Giveaway is Lockwood & Co.: The Screaming Staircase, by Jonathan Stroud, which I reviewed here. I'll post our take on the sequel, The Whispering Skull, later today, but my hopes are high—Mr. Stroud nearly always delivers the goods, and a clever, witty ghost story sounds like the perfect way to ease into fall...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Skink—No Surrender, by Carl Hiaasen

This week's Book Giveaway pick is Carl Hiaasen's Skink—No Surrender. People are making a big deal out of the fact that this Hiaasen's first novel aimed at teen readers, so I'm interested to discover what separates it from his previous books for adults and children. (Swearing, but just a little? Non-explicit sex? Semi-detailed descriptions of alligators eating people?) Sadly, one thing is already clear: there's no sign of the vivid, pop-art cover style...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Gameboard of the Gods, by Richelle Mead

This week's Book Giveaway is Richelle Mead's Gameboard of the Gods. I've found Richelle Mead's adult novels to be even more hit-or-miss than her Vampire Academy books (and let's face it: those are pretty spotty, too), so here's hoping this is one for the "hit" column...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Carry On, Jeeves, by P.G. Wodehouse

In honor of back-to-school week, I've chosen something soothing for this week's Book Giveaway: Carry On, Jeeves, by P.G. Wodehouse. It isn't my favorite Jeeves-and-Wooster collection, but it's pretty much ideal reading for anyone feeling overwhelmed by constant demands for calculators, kleenex, and signed permission slips...
Weekly Book Giveaway: The Vigilante Poets of Selwyn Academy, by Kate Hattemer

This week we're giving away a copy of The Vigilante Poets of Selwyn Academy, by Kate Hattemer. The PR note I received with the novel claims that it's perfect for fans of Glee. I don't know about Ms. Hattemer (whose writing deserves better), but to paraphrase P.G. Wodehouse: if someone said such a thing about me, I would have risen and struck them on the mazzard, regardless of their age or sex...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Frostborn, by Lou Anders

This week we're giving away Lou Anders's debut novel Frostborn, the first installment of his "Thrones and Bones" series. I'm only a few chapters in, but so far it seems like a brisk, enjoyable read, carefully constructed to appeal to young readers of both genders. It definitely feels like a kid-specific story (unlike, say, Jonathan Stroud's Heroes of the Valley), but budding fantasy fans...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Starters, by Lissa Price

This week's Book Giveaway is Starters, by Lissa Price. It's tough for me to tell if I actually want to read this book, or if I'm just attracted to the icy vibe of the cover art. I'd like to think I'm not that easily manipulated by a shiny silver image, but we've been stuck in the throes of 90+ degree temperatures for DAYS here, and it's quite possible my brain has melted...
Weekly Book Giveaway: The Glass Sentence, by S. E. Grove

This week we're giving away a copy of S.E. Grove's The Glass Sentence. I know nothing about this book except for the fact that the back cover has a quote from Megan Whalen Turner comparing it to Philip Pullman's The Golden Compass. That's some seriously impressive praise from an impeccable source, so my expectations are very, very high...
Weekly Book Giveaway: The Fire Wish, by Amber Lough

This week's Book Giveaway pick is Amber Lough's debut novel The Fire Wish. I have no idea if the story's any good, but I'm pleased to see an Arabian Nights-inspired teen fantasy novel (and a little surprised I haven't been sent more of them, frankly). You'd think the gorgeous clothes alone would have been enough to attract more YA authors' interest...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Sparrow Hill Road, by Seanan McGuire

We've expressed mixed (but mostly positive!) feelings about Seanan McGuire's writing in the past, but we're pretty excited about this week's Book Giveaway pick, Sparrow Hill Road. It appears to be a classic ghost story told from the ghost's point of view, and what could be more summertime campfire-friendly...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Seconds, by Bryan Lee O'Malley

This week's Book Giveaway title is Bryan Lee O'Malley's new graphic novel Seconds. People have often suggested that I review O'Malley's Scott Pilgrim series, but I couldn't get past the first volume, which opens with the books' 23-year-old protagonist dating a 17-year-old girl...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Threshold, by Caitlin R. Kiernan

This week we're giving away Threshold, by Caitlin R. Kiernan. I haven't read it yet, but I have wasted far too much time puzzling over those... things on the heroine's arms. What are those? Gloves? Part of her shirt? The review will follow later this afternoon; hopefully the book includes a detailed explanation of the protagonist's wardrobe choices...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Veronica Mars: The Thousand-Dollar Tan Line, by Rob Thomas and Jennifer Graham

This week we're giving away a copy of Veronica Mars: The Thousand-Dollar Tan Line, by Rob Thomas and Jennifer Graham. The book is the first installment in a series of mysteries inspired by the TV show, and while I suspect most hardcore Veronica Mars fans already own it, if you're A) broke, B) on the fence about reading a movie tie-in, or C) just looking for an entertaining, noir-lite beach read, today could be your lucky day...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Darcy's Story, by Janet Aylmer

This week we're giving away yet another "Pride and Prejudice-from-Darcy's-perspective" book: Janet Aylmer's Darcy's Story. (Creative title!) The cover is pretty, but the novel's subtitle is "Pride and Prejudice, told from a whole new perspective", which is pretty ridiculous. I mean, are we ignoring...
Weekly Book Giveaway: We Are The Goldens, by Dana Reinhardt

The cover art makes it look a bit like an after-school special in book form, but I'm gonna give the story a shot anyway: this week we're giving away a copy of Dana Reinhardt's We Are the Goldens. Our review should be up soon(ish)...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Hexed, by Michelle Krys

This week's Book Giveaway title is Michelle Krys's novel Hexed. The publisher describes it as "Bring it On meets The Craft", which (in my eyes, at least) answers the question of what age group YA fiction is actually written for, because those movies are fourteen and eighteen years old, respectively. Clearly "Young Adult" fiction is squarely aimed at 32-year-olds...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Sea of Shadows, by Kelley Armstrong

This week's Book Giveaway title is Kelley Armstrong's Sea of Shadows, the first installment in her "Age of Legends" series. The title and cover art are a bit of a letdown (read: so generic my eyes glaze over when I look at them), but the story's pretty fun, even if it's not quite as intriguing as Armstrong's recent novel Omens...
Weekly Book Giveaway: The Annotated Northanger Abbey, by Jane Austen

This week we're giving away a copy of The Annotated Northanger Abbey, written by Jane Austen and edited by David Shapard. According to his official bio, Mr. Shapard has a Ph.D. in European History from the University of California at Berkeley, and specialized in the eighteenth century. I've read his work before; like most annotated editions, his writing tends to...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Rebel Belle, by Rachel Hawkins

Our current Book Giveaway pick is Rebel Belle, the latest book from YA paranormal romance author Rachel Hawkins. In addition to writing solid action sequences, Ms. Hawkins has a gift for creating dialogue that manages to feel deliciously snappy, rather than annoyingly contrived (ahem, Sarah Rees Brennan), so I'm really looking forward to reading her book...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Daughters of the Sea: Hannah, by Kathryn Lasky

It seems I had more books on my to-be-read shelf about mermaids than I thought, including Kathryn Lasky's Daughters of the Sea: Hannah, which we're currently offering as our Weekly Book Giveaway title. It's the first installment of a three book series, so those of you who aren't totally over the whole mermaid-angst thing might want to check it out...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Guy Langman, Crime Scene Procrastinator

This week we're giving away Josh Berk's novel Guy Langman, Crime Scene Procrastinator. I have super-high hopes for this one, as I found Berk's novel The Dark Days of Hamburger Halpin impressively creative and endearing. (I was even happier with it when Berk's publishers changed the cover art, and I could stop fretting about it falling into the hands of third graders...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Meant to Be, by Lauren Morrill

This week's Book Giveaway is Lauren Morrill's Meant To Be, which I have to admit I chose pretty much because of the gloriously Easter-candy-colored cover. As near as I can tell, it's a secret admirer/Cyrano de Bergerac story. I usually avoid those, due to a crippling fear of secondhand embarrassment caused by fictional romantic hijinks, but I will do my best to be brave...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Little Lulu: Vol. 1, by John Stanley and Irving Tripp

It's Spring Break, and we're celebrating by focusing on comic books—including several titles that we are seriously behind on reviewing (like the past year of Buffy). We're kicking things off by giving away a classic: the first "Giant Size" volume of John Stanley and Irving Tripp's long-running Little Lulu strip. Our review will follow later today...