Posts tagged with reprints

According to Town and Country magazine, the Macmillan Collector's Library is about to release new editions of three of Jane Austen's most famous novels—Emma, Pride and Prejudice, and Sense & Sensibility—all of which will feature cover art based on fragments of wallpaper patterns...
Creepy and yet awesome

My family continues to take covid pretty seriously, so I don't get to spend countless hours browsing bookstores the way I used to. This is undoubtedly better for my budget, but an ongoing bummer every time I'm forced to consider all the cool reprints of classic books that have escaped my notice. Case in point...
Just in time for...?

Harper Perennial recently announced a limited run of Olive Editions reprints of eight famous mysteries and thrillers. The eye-catching books will be released on October 1st, and they're clearly aimed at Halloween shoppers, although...

Next Monday, June 26th, marks the 20th anniversary of the British publication of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone. Rowling's publisher Bloomsbury has an entire page of suggested ways to celebrate, including...
New-old Tolkien

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt just released a "new" book by J.R.R. Tolkien: Beren and Lúthien. The book is actually a compilation of Tolkien's earlier descriptions of the love story between Beren, a mortal man, and Lúthien, an immortal elf, which are apparently scattered throughout his writings. According to the publisher's description, Christopher Tolkien...
I'd prefer a print edition, but...

Okay, this is awesome: there seem to be some fancy-looking (or at least non-cheesy) eBook editions of Mary Burchell's classic mid-century romance novels...
Neverwhere, by Neil Gaiman

I am not a fan of re-editing published books. (This is mostly due to being traumatized by T.H. White's The Sword and the Stone, which has gone through several remodels. My childhood edition of White's book featured a bizarre scene involving singing minstrels in an evil ice cream parlor, but I've never found that sequence in any edition since. I'm 99% certain I didn't make this scene up, but... what if I did?) However...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Neverwhere, by Neil Gaiman

This week's Book Giveaway is this amazing new edition of Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere, which looks like the kind of gloriously trashy 70s paperback you find on the spinner racks in libraries, reeking of ancient cigarettes. A full review will follow shortly, but just look at it: no matter what I say, that's a book you're going to want to read...
Maybe if I took out a loan...

I was recently introduced to the Folio Society, a London-based publisher of beautiful (and painfully expensive) books. I'm impressed by the fact that they appear to devote just as much effort—if not more—to books like Stephen King's...
One of many

This November will be the 150th anniversary of the publication of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and publishers are looking to mark the occasion with some truly gorgeous new editions. As an Alice mega-nerd, I'm particularly excited about this...

Okay, this makes me a little sad. It's the 150th anniversary of my beloved Alice in Wonderland, and Puffin Books is celebrating with a new edition illustrated by Rifle Paper Co. founder Anna Bond. Don't get me wrong: I love Bond's work, but it's so tasteful...
Christmas and my birthday, rolled into one

OH MY GOD: We asked for this in 2012, and Nancy Pearl, like a book-nerd fairy godmother, has totally delivered! Yes, dear readers: for the first time in my lifetime, my beloved Greensleeves will actually be available in print.
Anastasia Krupnick, with a little remodeling

According to The Cut, Lois Lowry's Anastasia Krupnik books are going to be re-released next January, with slightly updated content (the publisher is taking out some no-longer-socially-acceptable language and content) and, thankfully, infinitely better cover art...
The Lowly Worm returns

NPR informs me that there's a new Richard Scarry book coming out this month (despite Scarry's death in 1994). Scarry's son, Richard "Huck" Scarry Jr., claims to have found the partially-finished manuscript for Richard Scarry's Best Lowly Worm Book Ever! in his father's Swiss chalet, and decided to complete it himself...
They really anticipate a demand, don't they?

While visiting Barnes and Noble, I ran across these freshly reprinted Judy Blume novels in the "New Teen Books" section. Setting aside my issues with describing a bunch of books written before I was born as "new", I generally like these reprints, although I'm not sure why Simon and Schuster felt we needed two new editions...
The Annotated Northanger Abbey, by Jane Austen

Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey is her earliest completed novel—she started writing it in 1798—but one of her last to be published. (It was released posthumously, along with Persuasion, in 1817.) Some critics lump it in with her juvenilia, but it's a remarkably ambitious and entertaining work, even if it isn't quite on par with her later books. Last fall, Anchor Books released a handsome paperback edition of Northanger Abbey featuring annotations by David M. Shapard...
The Blue Castle, by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Originally published in 1926, L.M. Montgomery's The Blue Castle is one of the most unabashedly sweet books I have ever read—an old-fashioned, utterly straightforward romance. It's the story of 29-year-old Valancy Stirling, a downtrodden spinster who has spent her life trying (and failing) to please her judgmental relatives. When she discovers she has a heart ailment that will almost certainly kill her within a year, Valancy decides to enjoy whatever time she has left...
Horror redux

British publishing house Faber & Faber has announced the publication of several new editions of the "strange stories" of horror writer Robert Aickman...
Old and improved

I recently ran across these mega-cute reprints of the first four Nancy Drew stories: The Secret of the Old Clock, The Hidden Staircase, The Bungalow Mystery, and The Mystery at Lilac Inn. They're Penguin editions, they seemed sturdy, and, at $7.99, they're the same price as the classic editions with school bus-yellow spines...
Books and jewelry

Sourcebooks is sponsoring a contest on BookPage in celebration of their new reprints of Lucy Maud Montgomery's classic Anne of Green Gables books. The grand prize is two Tiffany & Co. sterling silver key pendants, the 5 second place winners will each receive...

I am much less enthused about the "Penguin Horror" line of reprints than I was about the recent "Legends of the Ancient North" collection. I don't care if the book choices were curated by Guillermo del Toro ...
More John Christopher

According to Publishers Weekly, the late science fiction author John Christopher is having his backlist digitized and several of his older books republished, including his famous Tripods trilogy from the late sixties...
My condolences

Remember when I wrote that Jennifer Crusie was republishing a novella she'd written long ago, later described as "embarrassingly bad", and said she never wanted to lay eyes on again? I was trying to be understanding about the reprint, because I know Crusie has had a really rough year and could use the money, but it turns out that wasn't an accurate assessment of the situation...
Maybe it's better than she thinks?

Jennifer Crusie has always described her first romance novel, 1994's Sizzle, as embarrassingly bad, and insisted that she never wanted it to see the light of day again. She seems to have changed her mind, as Amazon has posted a collection of stories including Sizzle called Be Mine with a release date of January 22, 2013...
So pretty!
Isn't this a beautiful sight to behold?The picture doesn't do it full justice, but I assure you: in real life, this recent repackaging of two of P.G. Wodehouse's full-length Jeeves and Wooster nov...
Tell Me Lies and Crazy For You, by Jennifer Crusie

Even on her warmest, fuzziest day, Jennifer Crusie doesn't go for the hearts-and-flowers approach to romance writing. Her books are funny and sharp-tongued and sexy, and even her sweetest titles—...
Awesome and awesomer...
When I saw the cover art for the upcoming 50th anniversary edition of Peg Bracken's classic I Hate to Cook Book, my only thought was How adorable. But now I've seen the original version, featurin...
Signs of life
And speaking of reprints, I see they're finally reproduced something of Stella Gibbons' other than my beloved Cold Comfort Farm! Thanks to the fine people at Virago Press, the first edition of Ni...
At even longer last...
After weeks of procrastination, I spent yesterday afternoon updating our Upcoming Books page. It took forever (sobs), but I consider myself richly rewarded by the news that the publishing gods ...