Posts tagged with interviews
Depressing, so no.

The teaser trailer for HBO's miniseries adaptation of Elena Ferrante’s My Brilliant Friend is out, and I'm concerned that it features multiple scenes of children being slapped. It all looks very elegant and...
The anti-Scarlett

There's a great interview over on Jezebel with romance novelist Alyssa Cole. Cole, an African American woman, decided to write a Civil-War era historical romance inspired by Mary Bowser, a former slave who became a Union spy in Jefferson Davis's White House...
Great question

Yesterday, Literary Hub set out to solve one of the great mysteries of our time: "Who is the genius behind Merriam-Webster's social media?" The short answer is: a lot of people, but...
Down and possibly out

Comic Book Resources posted an article yesterday about a major shake-up at DC's Vertigo Comics, which will apparently involve "re-examining the direction and focus of the Vertigo imprint" and cutting loose their longtime Executive Editor...
...okay, sure.

NPR recently posted an interview with Neil Gaiman about his classic Sandman comic book series. Sandman ended in 1996, but last month DC Comics released a deluxe edition of Sandman: Overture, the six-issue miniseries Gaiman wrote...

This week's Fresh Air featured a lengthy interview with Bloom County author Berkeley Breathed, who recently revived the comic after a twenty-five-year-long hiatus...
I keep falling for it!

Jezebel recently posted a really nice interview with author Meg Cabot. I'm always a little disappointed by Cabot's books—I think she has the talent to write something truly spectacular, but too often falls back on "Eh, it's cute enough to justify the cover price"—but this interview is so charming...
Alphabet background check

NPR has an interesting article up about Michael Rosen's new nonfiction book Alphabetical, which claims to explain the history behind all 26 letters. Rosen is not the world's most convincing interviewee...
An Interview with Anna Staniszewski

We recently had the opportunity to interview Anna Staniszewski, author of the new middle-grade novel The Dirt Diary, and ask her some burning questions about inspiring creativity in children, her future writing plans, and brownie recipes. We've posted her responses below (along with a brief author bio) and will be featuring our review of The Dirt Diary later today...
The book jacket looks amateurish, but check out the interior...

NPR recently posted an interview with Deb Perelman, author of the new Smitten Kitchen Cookbook and creator of the website of the same name. The interview includes photos of Perelman's kitchen (which is tiny)...
Still terrible after all these years

The fine people at The Hairpin recently posted an interview with Ryan Nerz, a late-90s-era ghostwriter for the Sweet Valley High series. Mr. Nerz offers quite the eye-opening look behind the scenes, let me tell you...
Mister Rogers he isn't.
The Colbert Report recently aired an enjoyably salty two-part interview with famous children's author Maurice Sendak. Mr. Sendak provides quite the soundbite; I bet Stephen Colbert is sorry he's ...
Onstad holds forth
Comics Alliance recently posted a great interview with Chris Onstad, creator of our beloved Achewood, which recently revived after a nine-month-long hiatus. One cannot help but notice there are s...
Chatting about the common cold has a fascinating interview up with science journalist Jennifer Ackerman, author of Ah-Choo! The Uncommon Life of Your Common Cold. I had no idea I'd find the subject so interesting, bu...
We approve.
As longtime readers of the site know, I love reading about frugality. Sadly, Wordcandy hardly ever receives books on this subject, which means I have to either wait patiently for library copies o...
Taming the West
NPR has a great interview up with Stephen Fried, author of the recently-published book Appetite for America, a nonfiction account of the life of entrepreneur Fred Harvey. Harvey created the Harve...
Rick Riordan speaks!
Publishers Weekly recently interviewed Rick Riordan about his upcoming book The Kane Chronicles: The Red Pyramid, the first story in a middle-grade fantasy series about two siblings—the descendant...
Seems like a stretch
NPR's "All Things Considered" featured an interview and Q-and-A session with Diary of a Wimpy Kid author Jeff Kinney yesterday. Both were fun, but I was even more interested in the interview that ...
Judy Blume overshares least, we expect the friend she mentions in her response to the Deenie question in this otherwise excellent interview thinks so. That's the kind of anecdote that probably should have remaine...
Suzanne Collins chats with NPR
NPR is full of Suzanne Collins goodness right now: their site is offering both a sneak peek at chapter two of her just-released novel Catching Fire and a lengthy interview with the author.
All kinds of disgusting
Speaking of, they just posted another bookgeek-friendly interview, this one with Everything Sucks: Losing My Mind and Finding Myself in a High School Quest for Cool author Hannah Friedma...
G. Willow Wilson chats with KUOW
DC Comics writer G. Willow Wilson chatted with Seattle-area NPR affiliate KUOW last March, but (luckily for me) they re-aired the interview yesterday, and I have now added Wilson's comic book seri...
Jim Lynch speaks
Powell's Books (in Portland, OR) has just posted a great interview with Border Songs/The Highest Tide author Jim Lynch, who lives in my hometown of Olympia, WA. Pacific Northwest power! raises fist
Powells interviews China Miéville
China Miéville recently spoke with Doug Brown, one of the staff members from Powell's Books, about his new book The City and the City. Over the course of the interview he used the word "paradigm"...
Wordcandy chats with the Sourcebooks graphic designer!
As longtime readers of the site know, we care (maybe more than we should) about cover art. It's all very well to say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover... but, hello, there are a lot of books...
Five questions with Charles Burns
Thanks to the fine people at Pantheon Books, Wordcandy was recently given the opportunity to ask Charles Burns (author of Black Hole, one of our recent Featured Book titles) a few questions. 1. ...
M.T. Anderson Speaks! (Part II)
(Here's the link to Part I of this interview. Again, the High School TV reporter is referred to in this interview as "HSR", the interviewer from George Mason University is referred to as "GMU", a...
M.T. Anderson Speaks! (Part I)
Behold again: here's the first part of my interview with the fantastically awesome M.T. Anderson! The second part will be posted soon. Please note that this interview includes questions from a s...
Ms. Black Speaks!
Behold, my interview with the fantastically awesome Holly Black, author of the Wordcandy Featured Book pick Ironside:1. Can you give us any news on your upcoming story The White Cat? Does it hav...