Posts tagged with movie-adaptations

Oct 25 2010

Literary casting round-up: sci-fi, fantasy, and The Great Gatsby

Lots of book-to-movie casting news coming out recently:Leonardo DiCaprio has apparently read for the role of Jay Gatsby in the still-up-in-the-air adaptation of The Great Gatsby.Martin Freeman (be...

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Oct 13 2010

Didn't they see King Kong?

Well, well. Further Hobbit movie news: according to the MTV Movies Blog, Peter Jackson's two-part film adaptation of the novel is going to cost a whopping $500 million on top of $100 million in ...

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Oct 4 2010

I was hoping this trend would be beyond tired by 2012.

Twentieth Century Fox has purchased the film rights for Seth Grahame-Smith's novel Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. (Grahame-Smith also wrote Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, and is therefore the...

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Sep 30 2010

Ooooh, hardcore!

Well, dear readers, here are a couple of movie trailers based on books that wouldn't quite make the Wordcandy A-list. First, I Am Number Four:It's that dude from that terrible-looking Beastly mov...

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Sep 27 2010

The passion of the gnomes

Well, the trailer for Gnomeo and Juliet is out:On the one hand, there's an A-list cast (well, except for Ozzy Osbourne). On the other, there's Elton John music and that inexplicable (and totally ...

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Sep 22 2010

So many bad ideas in one place...

Speaking of the book-to-movie transition, the fine people at BuzzSugar have put together a list of 15 Books To Read Before They're Adapted For the Screen. At least at this point, I'm only plannin...

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Sep 21 2010

Artemis Fowl the movie: MIA

Entertainment Weekly's Popwatch column has posted an article guessing at the next YA book to be adapted for the big screen. Most of the story is pure speculation—will Hollywood ever made a 3-D ad...

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Sep 14 2010

Ah, gimmicks

Yet another snippet of Disney Princess news has come my way: a sing-a-long version of Beauty and Beast will be shown in a limited number of theaters on September 29th and October 2nd. Hopefully t...

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Sep 9 2010

Witch-hunting for fun and profit

Cinematical is linking Noomi Rapace (who played Lisbeth Salander in the Swedish film adaptation of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo) to an upcoming American project called Hansel and Gretel: Witch ...

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Sep 7 2010

Now in glorious Technicolor

Cinematical informs me that Lionsgate Films is pondering three directors for their upcoming Hunger Games movie adaptation: Gary Ross (Pleasantville), David Slade (The Twilight Saga: Eclipse), and...

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Sep 2 2010

Weirdness collides!

If you check out the website for Icelandic musician Bjork, you can see the video for her song "Moomins and the Comet Chase". It's part of the soundtrack for the movie based on Tove Jansson's chil...

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Sep 1 2010

Right there with you, NPH

Wow, this movie (based on the YA book Beastly by Alex Flinn, and inspired by the "Beauty and the Beast" fairytale) looks seriously terrible:I'm actually almost impressed by how bad this looks.

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Aug 30 2010

Edgar Allan Poe fights (or possibly commits) crime

John Cusack has apparently signed on to play Edgar Allan Poe in a (fictionalized) account of the poet's last few days of life. The description of the film on Cinematical mentions something about ...

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Aug 26 2010

Aisha finally hits the big screen

AustenBlog has posted a review of Aisha, the Bollywood update of Jane Austen's Emma. The critique is positive but far from gushing, and the author notes that the movie appears to be a close remak...

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Aug 17 2010

Middle Earth: the theme park?

According to Cinematical, there are rumors that Universal Studios is toying with the idea of making a Lord of the Rings theme park (presumably thanks to the success of its Wizarding World of Harry...

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Aug 17 2010

The end of the beginning of the final Harry Potter movie

MTV's Movies Blog is reporting that the first half of the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will end at roughly Chapter 24, for those of you who've been wondering. (Here's h...

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Aug 9 2010

Flipped: new and improved?

If you've never read Wendelin Van Draanen's adorable 2001 novel Flipped, Random House is releasing an "enhanced" e-book edition of the book featuring a bunch of tie-ins from the upcoming movie ada...

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Aug 5 2010

Low standards

Twelve—the recent film based on the 2003 Nick McDonell novel* of the same name—is not the kind of movie I usually see, nor is it the kind of book I usually read (unless I have to review it). Stil...

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Aug 2 2010

Watch me suspend the ol' disbelief

In a strikingly Hollywood-ish bit of casting, Daniel Craig—a.k.a. the current James Bond—has signed on to star in the upcoming American remake of Steig Larsson's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. ...

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Jul 19 2010

An embarrassment of popcorn-worthy riches?

The most recent "Trailer Park" post on Cinematical features four book-nerd-friendly movie trailers: Howl (based on the obscenity trial over Allen Ginsberg's poem of the same name), an adaptation o...

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Jul 6 2010

Did we really need another one?

Wait. So there's really going to be a new Three Musketeers movie, this time starring Milla Jovovich as Lady de Winter and that dude who played Percy Jackson as D'Artagnan? Wow... that was one of...

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Jul 2 2010

Brace yourselves, horror fans...

If you're looking for a genuinely creepy take on the vampire genre (versus, say, a mopey, dopey, heavy-on-the-sixpack-abs one), check out the trailer for Let Me In, the upcoming film remake of the...

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Jun 30 2010


Well, I suppose the full-length trailer for the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows adaptation looks nice enough. But I'm still SUPER IRRITATED by Warner Bros.' decision to split the story into ...

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Jun 24 2010


AustenBlog has posted a link to the trailer for Aisha, the upcoming Bollywood adaptation of Jane Austen's Emma, and it looks like so much fun, you guys. Seriously, I MUST see this movie. I don't...

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Jun 23 2010

Now that all is quiet on the Harry Potter front...

Diminutive Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe certainly dreams big, doesn't he? He has signed on to star in an upcoming film adaptation of Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front. ...

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Jun 21 2010

Waste of a perfectly good YA series...

Gyah. The dread Miley Cyrus has apparently signed on to star in the upcoming movie adaptation of Lisa McMann's Wake. I'm torn on this one: I liked the book, but I'm not convinced it will transl...

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Jun 17 2010

Yeah... I think not.

Yearning for an "artistic" sci-fi film about human clones being raised as organ donors, enjoying a few totally depressing romantic liaisons, and then dying early deaths? You're in luck! The trai...

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Jun 10 2010

Let down your standards

I was really irritated when I first heard about Disney's decision to tweak their upcoming movie version of Rapunzel in order to attract more boy viewers. There's already a serious lack of girl-fr...

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Jun 7 2010

There's a fine line between "sweet" and "totally hokey"

Well, the trailer is out for the movie adaptation of my beloved Flipped, and I'm really not feeling it. The book was wholesome, sure, but this looks like a non-ironic version of Pleasantville wit...

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May 25 2010


Angelina Jolie to play the Wicked Witch of the West in a Wizard of Oz remake? ...I could see that, actually. I think she'd rock the green paint, but they might want to go for a more form-fitting ...

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