Posts tagged with stacey-jay
Princess of Thorns, by Stacey Jay
Stacey Jay's first two novels had plot holes the size of the Grand Canyon, and my hopes for her future efforts were not high. Her third book—a sci-fi retelling of Beauty and the Beast—was much more successful, and her latest effort...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Princess of Thorns, by Stacey Jay
This week's Book Giveaway is Princess of Thorns, the latest book from popular YA author Stacey Jay. I've complained about every single one of Jay's novels, but her last book was a massive improvement...
Of Beast and Beauty, by Stacey Jay
Of Beast and Beauty, Stacey Jay's horror/fantasy/sci-fi retelling of the Beauty and the Beast myth, takes its fair share of missteps. The story's mythology is murky, the ending felt rushed, and several of Jay's attempts at poetic descriptive passages sound like something written by an overwrought seventh grader, but I must give credit where credit is due: this is a huge, huge improvement over her previous two books...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Of Beast and Beauty, by Stacey Jay
We weren't impressed by her earlier two books, but we're giving Stacey Jay another chance: her novel Of Beast and Beauty is our current Book Giveaway pick. Our hopes are not high, frankly, but if you're curious about the story at least the price would be right...
Romeo Redeemed, by Stacey Jay
Romeo Redeemed is the sequel to Stacey Jay's 2011 novel Juliet Immortal, and—like its predecessor—is best described as an incoherent mash-up of overwrought teenagers, poorly-explained supernatural hijinks, and Shakespearean-lite fanfiction...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Romeo Redeemed, by Stacey Jay
This week's book giveaway is Romeo Redeemed, the self-described "sizzling sequel" to Stacey Jay's Juliet Immortal, which we reviewed (vitriolically) here. Our review of Romeo Redeemed should go up on Thursday, but in the meanwhile you can amuse yourself by laughing at that cover. I certainly will be...
Juliet Immortal, by Stacey Jay
I set the bar low for fantasy novels—all I ask is that they follow their own rules. I'm perfectly willing to buy “It's magic!” as an explanation for something, but if the magic in question behaves a certain way, it better keep behaving that way throughout the novel....