Posts tagged with holly-black
The Coldest Girl in Coldtown, by Holly Black

If you can stomach the first scene in Holly Black's The Coldest Girl in Coldtown, you're sitting pretty for the rest of the book. The story opens with a massacre: when Tana wakes up in a bathtub after a teen party, she discovers that she has drunkenly dozed through a massive vampire attack. Most of her friends are dead, but her ex-boyfriend Aidan has survived...
Weekly Book Giveaway: The Coldest Girl in Coldtown, by Holly Black

This week's Book Giveaway is Holly Black's The Coldest Girl in Coldtown. Our full review will be posted later today, but here's a quick take: The Coldest Girl in Coldtown reminded me of my all-time favorite vampire story, Vivian Vande Velde's Companions of the Night, and I can give no higher compliment than that...
White Cat, by Holly Black

Bookstores are currently overflowing with YA novels about vampires and werewolves, but the majority of the “monsters” in these books seem like fundamentally nice guys. They care about their ...
Adios, allowance.
I've never approved of Holly Black and Tony Diterlizzi's Spiderwick Chronicles. At $10.99 per (short and v. unsatisfying) book, the series has always seemed like a total money sink. But when I saw...
Wordcandy loves the bargains!
Because an intro by Holly Black + Dracula + a dirt-cheap cover price = HAPPINESS.This awesome-looking edition from our beloved Puffin Classics is due out in early June.
Take advantage of six promo tours at once
Books of Wonder, New York City's oldest and largest independent children's bookstore, is hosting an reading/book signing/Q-and-A session event with six big-name YA authors tonight: Tamora Pierce, ...
Holly Black's Kin
We have the cover art and official synopsis of Holly Black's upcoming graphic novel Kin, the first book in her The Good Neighbors series:"Rue Silver's mother has disappeared... and her father has ...
Spiderwick Chronicles on a budget
Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi are awesome, but their Spiderwick Chronicles books are way overpriced. The novels cost a hefty $10.99 apiece--not bad for a conventional hardcover, but these books...
Ms. Black Speaks!
Behold, my interview with the fantastically awesome Holly Black, author of the Wordcandy Featured Book pick Ironside:1. Can you give us any news on your upcoming story The White Cat? Does it hav...
Ironside, by Holly Black

Fans of Holly Black’s earlier books will be delighted to find that her new novel, Ironside, picks up shortly after Tithe ends and features many of the characters in Valiant. As Ironside opens, Unseelie king-to-be Roiben’s coronation is approaching, and changeling Kaye decides that it’s time to declare her love for him...