Weekly Book Giveaway: Half Baked Harvest, by Tieghan Gerard
Sep 18

This week's Book Giveaway is a little unusual: we're giving away Tieghan Gerard's new cookbook, Half Baked Harvest. But even if you're not the huge fan of Gerard's pretty, pretty website that we are, might we recommend her cookbook as an excellent coffee table option? There's something so soothing about staring at pictures of beautifully-presented food, and this book has 'em in spades. A full review will follow shortly.
As always, this contest runs Monday through Friday. To enter, just send us an e-mail connected to a valid address. Complete rules and regulations can be found here.
As always, this contest runs Monday through Friday. To enter, just send us an e-mail connected to a valid address. Complete rules and regulations can be found here.
Posted by: Julianka
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