Posts tagged with photography
Bon Appétit magazine recently posted a great review of France Is a Feast, a new book of Paul Child’s personal photographs taken between 1948 and 1954, when he and his wife, the famous Julia Child, were living in Paris and Julia was mastering the art of cooking French food...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Half Baked Harvest, by Tieghan Gerard
This week's Book Giveaway is a little unusual: we're giving away Tieghan Gerard's new cookbook, Half Baked Harvest. But even if you're not the huge fan of Gerard's pretty, pretty website that we are, might we recommend her cookbook as an excellent coffee table option? There's something so soothing about staring at pictures of beautifully-presented food, and this book has 'em in spades...
Eat like Holden Caulfield
Flavorwire recently featured a several images created by graphic designer Dinah Fried. The photo series, entitled Fictitious Dishes, features recreations of famous meals from classic novels, including The Catcher in the Rye, Moby Dick, and, of course, the gruel from Oliver Twist...