Posts tagged with sequels
Clear as mud

George R.R. Martin addressed the controversial ending of Game of Thrones on his blog recently, answering his fans' most urgent question: will the books end the same way as the show?
"Well… yes. And no. And yes. And no. And yes. And no. And yes."
I hope that cleared everything up for you, GoT readers...
Try again

Sony is apparently going forward with a long-overdue sequel to David Fincher’s 2011 adaptation of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, but with an entirely new cast. The movie is due in 2018...
Unexpectedly stoked about this

According to the Guardian, Neil Gaiman recently announced a sequel to his 1996 book Neverwhere. (Technically, Neverwhere is a novelization, rather than an independent story, but the BBC TV miniseries it was based on didn't quite work out, so Gaiman reworked it very successfully into a novel.) Gaiman...
Yet more Princess Diaries

According to the Wall Street Journal, Meg Cabot is returning to the world of her Princess Diaries books. She's planning on releasing two vaguely connected spin-offs: an adult novel featuring her previous heroine (Princess Mia Thermopolis, heir to the fictional kingdom of Genovia) and a middle-grade novel centering around Olivia Grace...
Anne Rice tries again

According to Dread Central, Anne Rice is going to write another installment of her Vampire Chronicles series. The book will be called Prince Lestat, and the author briefly described the plot...
Still so pretty...

A trailer has turned up for the upcoming Rurouni Kenshin sequel Rurouni Kenshin: the Great Kyoto Fire Arc, and while I'm not quite as excited as I was for the first film, I'm still pretty stoked. The first movie was beautifully shot and perfectly cast, but I got more than a little irritated with the sword-fighting heroine's constant bouts of utter uselessness, which forced the hero to rescue her from her own stupidity again... and again... and again...
More monkeys

I always wonder about authors like Pierre Boulle, who wrote both The Bridge Over The River Kwai and the novel that inspired Planet of the Apes. That's a wide-ranging literary legacy, you know? I'm sure more people have read The Bridge Over The River Kwai than La Planète des singes, but certainly more people have watched The Planet of the Apes than read the two books put together. Anyway, Boulle's monkey book is the gift that keeps on giving...
Tomorrow, by C.K. Kelly Martin

I always feel weird making this criticism, but C.K. Kelly Martin's Tomorrow is Too Much Book. It crams enough action and drama for an entire series into a scant 250 pages, leaving readers more shell-shocked than anything else...
The Blood Keeper, by Tessa Gratton

While Tessa Gratton's The Blood Keeper is billed as a “companion novel” to her book Blood Magic, rather than a sequel, you need to have read the earlier book for this one to make sense. (Actually, this one isn't guaranteed to make sense even if you have read Blood Magic, but the light bulb might glow a little brighter...
Still ridiculous, but whatever.

According to NPR, Chuck Palahniuk has announced that he is working on a sequel to his 1996 novel Fight Club. The book is described as a "dark and messy" graphic novel, and the plot summary involves one alter ego kidnapping the other's kid...
Deep Betrayal, by Anne Greenwood Brown

To borrow an image from the cultural zeitgeist, Anne Greenwood Brown's Deep Betrayal, the second book in her YA trilogy about killer mermaids lurking in the Great Lakes, is like Syfy's Sharknado: a ridiculously fun idea, poorly executed...
Weekly Book Giveaway: Deep Betrayal, by Anne Greenwood Brown

This week's book giveaway title is Anne Greenwood Brown's Deep Betrayal, the sequel to last year's Lies Beneath, which we reviewed here. I have no idea if this book will fix the problems I had with the first installment (actually, I'm not sure it's possible to fix the problems I had with the first installment), but if you're curious, wouldn't it be nice...
The undying Peter Rabbit

NPR recently posted an interview with actress Emma Thompson about her most recent project: writing The Further Tale of Peter Rabbit, the first Peter Rabbit story to be produced since 1930, and the only (authorized) one written by someone other than Beatrix Potter...
Philip Marlowe drinks again

According to The Guardian, acclaimed novelist John Banville (using his mystery-writing pseudonym, Benjamin Black) has been hired to write a new novel featuring Raymond Chandler's legendary detective Philip Marlowe and his friend, Chief Inspector Bernie Ohls...
Well, maybe.
Hmm. I am not the Amanda Grange fan that the fine people at AustenBlog are (mostly because I found Captain Wentworth's Diary a sad disappointment), but their review of her newest book, Wickham's ...
Sherlock Holmes (as portrayed by Justin Bieber)
Ever since I heard about this project, I've been keeping an eye out for the first book in a new series featuring Sherlock Holmes as a teenager. The Times liked Andrew Lane's Death Cloud, and it's...
The more the merrier?
Oh, look. Another book about Elizabeth worrying that she has lost Mr. Darcy to the charms of another. Just what the world needs!Five bucks says the central plot twist of this Pride and Prejudice c...
And Stephen's opinion is the one that counts.
Heh. Stephen Colbert has weighed in on that J.D. Salinger "continuation" kerfuffle, too. Behold:
A sequel to Catcher in the Rye?
...not quite.Apparently, some dude who calls himself John David California has written an unauthorized sequel to J. D. Salinger's classic novel, and the reclusive author (who hasn't given an inter...
House of Many Ways
Behold, the cover art for the upcoming Diana Wynne Jones release: Thank you, fine people at HarperCollins Children's Publishing! I see they're selling it as a sequel to Howl's Moving Castle (even...
Austen Week, part V
Several months ago we were offered a pile of Austen-inspired novels from the fine people at Sourcebooks, Inc.. While all of the titles were entertaining, we were particularly impressed by Sybil G....
Sequel news
We've had about a zillion search string hits this month from people looking for information on the sequel to Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy. So here's a compilation of what (little) we know:1. T...
At least the cover art is cool
Seeing Redd, the sequel to Frank Beddor's The Looking Glass Wars, is out in bookstores now. While I was impressed by Mr. Beddor's original concept for this series (it doesn't pay to get too picky...