Laurell K. Hamilton

While the (admittedly impressive) sex and ass-kicking sections of her novels garner the lion's share of attention, Ms. Hamilton's real genius is for creating lavishly imagined worlds for her characters to inhabit. Unfortunately, the political and social maneuvering of the characters in the Anita Blake books has been gradually dropped in favor of increasingly explicit sex scenes and angsty whining. Following the intricate political dance of her characters--punctuated by healthy doses of sex and violence--used to make for some gloriously adult Wordcandy.

Note: Without question, Laurell K. Hamilton is the worst of the authors who persistently describe completely ridiculous costumes for their characters in the mistaken belief that "tight" always equals "sexy". (Men in spandex? Not just spandex, but spandex with cutouts? Not sexy.) But while very few authors are capable of making a sex scene featuring a woman in a polo shirt and a vampire dressed like the lead singer of a '80s hair band downright hot, Ms. Hamilton has been known to rise to the challenge.

See above re: hair and spandex.


Other Recommendations:
Sunshine, by Robin McKinley

Blood and Chocolate, by Annette Curtis Klause

Anything by L. J. Smith

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Posted by: Julia


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