A rare bit of great news (in a week that could use it)
Nov 16

There was a lovely article on NPR recently about Books From Birth, a D.C. Public Library program that mails a book a month, every month, to enrolled children from birth to age 5. The project is one of several that operates in partnership with the Imagination Library, a national nonprofit run by country legend Dolly Parton's Dollywood Foundation. The local library systems pay $25 per enrolled child per year (which covers the cost of the books and shipping), and return:
"...the Imagination Library chooses, sources and ships the books. A panel of early childhood literacy experts selects the age-appropriate books, which are organized around themes and concepts and include two bilingual Spanish-English books per year. The choices range from time-tested titles like 'The Tale of Peter Rabbit' by Beatrix Potter to contemporary classics such as Newbery Medal winner 'Last Stop on Market Street' by Matt de la Pena.This sounds legit amazing, and I hope everyone who is eligible for the program signs up!
Posted by: Julianka
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