Holiday Gift Pick #4
Dec 8

Gift Idea #4: Jason Porath's Rejected Princesses: Tales of History's Boldest Heroines, Hellions, and Heretics
Porath is a former professional animator, and his website Rejected Princesses is a fascinating, informative, and frequently genuinely moving read. This book tie-in features "100 stories of badass historical and mythical women from all around the world, most of whom you've never heard of." This is NOT a little kid-friendly book (despite that grape-purple cover art), but I heartily recommend it for, say, anyone 13+.
Porath is a former professional animator, and his website Rejected Princesses is a fascinating, informative, and frequently genuinely moving read. This book tie-in features "100 stories of badass historical and mythical women from all around the world, most of whom you've never heard of." This is NOT a little kid-friendly book (despite that grape-purple cover art), but I heartily recommend it for, say, anyone 13+.
Posted by: Julianka
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