Unusual library services
Jan 25

The New York Times posted a lovely article this week about an American Girl doll that's available for checkout from the Ottendorfer branch of the New York Public Library in the East Village, where many of the library's clients are unwilling or financially unable to buy American Girl dolls (which retail for a jaw-dropping $110 apiece) of their own. The doll—who is named Kirsten, and marketed as a "pioneer girl of strength and spirit"—has been lent out on an honor system for the past few years, making its way all over the city. Now she's off to the American Girl Doll Hospital in Middleton, Wis. for repairs and some new clothing. (All that travel has been tough on her hair and joints, plus she's lost everything but her dress.)
Posted by: Julianka
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this is such a great idea! I really hope they offer some other dolls-- Addy or Josefina or Kaya?-- to bring some diversity into the mix!
Yeah, a variety of dolls would be great, particularly considering the diversity of the library's clientele. I'm pretty sure American Girl would be up for donating them, too. (Any toy company that charges over a hundred bucks per doll can use all the good publicity they can get, in my opinion.)