Snow White and Jet Li
Feb 3

I could get behind the warrior thing, but I just can't stomach Natalie Portman's vacant screen presence. I'd rather see almost any other actress in this roleāeven Megan Fox. Seriously: anyone else.
Posted by: Julianka
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I've already seen a retelling of Snow White with seven strapping men rather than seven cuddly bearded pushovers: Snow White: A Tale of Terror. I'm not really sure what Disney thinks that it can add to that... or to its beloved classic from which Disney can still milk plenty of money without having to put in the expense of a live action remake.
And yes, unfortunately, Ms. Portman's finest role is still that from The Professional; she has been less than engaging ever since.
I'm not sure why Ms. Portman irritates me so much, but I always feel like she's trying WAY too hard to make her acting seem effortless, and I end up feeling embarrassed for her. And if I'm going to pay ten bucks for a movie, I really don't want to walk away feeling embarrassed.