Posts tagged with tourism
Book-nerd tourism

LitHub recently posted a guide to the many literary hotspots of Yorkshire. There are quite a few I could willingly miss (much as I admire her work, very little about Sylvia Plath's life says "let me visit these spots on vacation"), but...
Much worse

NPR recently visited Monroeville, Ala., the home of Harper Lee, asking residents about the controversy surrounding Lee's upcoming To Kill a Mockingbird sequel Go Set a Watchman. While I share many residents' concerns about Lee's health and independence, at least the people of Monroeville can take comfort...
In these troubled economic times, I know I should be grateful.

Washington State tourism: first boosted by the Twilight books, and now (apparently) by the dread Fifty Shades of Grey. WHY? Why can't people visit us because of their burning desire to trace the scenes in Jim Lynch's The Highest Tide, or Kat Richardson's Greywalker books...