Posts tagged with tales-too-ticklish-to-tell
Jul 13
Tales Too Ticklish To Tell, by Berkeley Breathed

When it comes to 1980s comics, Berkeley Breathed's Bloom County was the odd one out. Doonesbury was political, The Far Side surreal, and Calvin and Hobbes genuinely moving—Bloom County veered wildly between all three, and the end result was 70% amazing, 25% mediocre, and (it must be said) 5% terrible...
Jul 13
Weekly Book Giveaway: Tales Too Ticklish to Tell, by Berke Breathed

In honor of the unexpected but super exciting rebirth of Berkeley "Berke" Breathed's Bloom County, this week's Book Giveaway is my copy of Breathed's 1988 collection Tales Too Ticklish To Tell, the only one of my Bloom County collections that still has enough glue left in its spine to hold together...