Posts tagged with stella-gibbons
Literary speculation

There's a new biography out that claims–without any actual evidence, as far as I can tell–that the poet John Keats was an opium addict, and wrote many of his most famous poems under the influence of laudanum. There's no way to prove the situation either way, of course, but I can't help but think of Cold Comfort Farm's Mr. Mybug...
At long last, more Cold Comfort
For the first time since its original publication fifty years ago, a reprint of Stella Gibbons's short story collection Christmas at Cold Comfort Farm is going hit bookshelves next week. Cold Com...
Sound advice
Aw, my beloved Cold Comfort Farm got a shout-out in Laura Miller's Salon article about Invisible Libraries, collections of books that only exist within works of fiction. (Books like the guidebook...
Signs of life
And speaking of reprints, I see they're finally reproduced something of Stella Gibbons' other than my beloved Cold Comfort Farm! Thanks to the fine people at Virago Press, the first edition of Ni...
And speaking of Stella Gibbons...
...check out this new cover art for Cold Comfort Farm. I'm not sure what I think of it:Naturally, any new cover art means that the book will once again be re-released, and that's always awesome. ...
Wordcandy weekly book snippet
Excerpt from: Cold Comfort Farm, by Stella Gibbons Why you should buy a copy of your very own:Well, it's one of my favorite books...what, don't you trust me? Fine, then. It's the story of a young ...