Posts tagged with steig-larsson
Not DC or Marvel, but it looks like it

The trailer is out for The Girl in the Spider's Web, Sony's attempt to re-launch the Lisbeth Salander series, this time starring The Crown's Claire Foy. They appear to have done everything possible to make this look like a superhero movie...
The new V.C. Andrews?

Huh. Apparently, Stieg Larsson’s death was not enough to stop the creation of his Lisbeth Salander books. According to the Guardian, the next installment in the series will be written by David Lagercrantz, published in 38 different languages this August, and titled The Girl in the Spider’s Web...
Dressing up
If you've ever dreamed of looking like a disturbed computer hacker with multiple facial piercings (and who hasn't?), start saving now: on December 14th, budget retailer H&M will be releasing a clo...
Cover your eyes, gentle viewers.
There's been all kinds of conspiracy-theory speculation as to whether or not Sony released this "pirated" red band trailer for their upcoming film adaptation of Steig Larsson’s The Girl With the D...
Swedish smackdown
If you're a fan of Steig Larsson's hugely successful Millenium Trilogy, be sure to check out the Times article "The Afterlife of Stieg Larsson". It's a little wordy (eight pages), but offers a gr...