Posts tagged with reforming-a-rake-with-this-ring
Feb 16
Reforming a Rake: With This Ring, by Suzanne Enoch

Suzanne Enoch's Reforming a Rake: With This Ring is lazy, cynical, and as predictable as an Applebee's meal. It is also about 1000 times better than the last romance novel we reviewed, partly because Enoch is a far better writer and partly because when it comes to romance novels, I don't mind a little predictability...
Feb 16
Weekly Book Giveaway: Reforming a Rake: With This Ring, by Suzanne Enoch

This week's Book Giveaway is Suzanne Enoch's 2009 novel Reforming a Rake: With this Ring. After reading this, I find myself in need of a historical-romance palate cleanser, and Enoch is the kind of consistently amusing writer who can be depended upon to provide one...