Posts tagged with re-releases
More Heyer!

There are some new Georgette Heyer editions from Sourcebooks. Deb Werksman, the editorial director of Sourcebooks Casablanca, gave an interview to Entertainment Weekly about the books' art direction...

At long last, Judith McNaught's classic (read: effective yet heavy-on-the-angst) romance novels are getting e-book editions. According to Dear Author, Simon & Schuster is beginning a digital roll-out of McNaught’s titles, each containing a new introduction written by the author. The first...
Where there are re-releases, there's hope.

Jennifer Crusie fans take note: there is now an standalone e-book version of her holiday-themed 2006 novella Hot Toy, which we originally reviewed here. Last summer my hopes were raised when...
Is there really a demand for this?

All Neil Gaiman fans for whom money is no object (and don't already own virtually identical editions) take note: DC has announced a slipcase edition of all ten volumes of Sandman. The set will cost $199 and be released on November 13th.
In honor of Halloween...
According to NPR, William Blatty has written a "revised and polished" edition of his novel The Exorcist. In addition to the stylistic updates, the recently-released 40th Anniversary Edition also ...
Signs of life
After the better part of a year, Lisa Kleypas is back: she's offering a sneak peek of her upcoming contemporary romance Rainshadow Road (not out until January, sadly), as well as an August re-rele...
The new-old version of Dorian Gray
The Barnes and Noble Review has posted an article about the recent re-release of Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray. Wilde's novella was originally published in a heavily-edited form in a m...
Welcome to Temptation, by Jennifer Crusie

St. Martin's Press has recently re-released Jennifer Crusie's Welcome To Temptation, giving Crusie fans a second chance to enjoy this ridiculously fun, sexy blend of small-town pol...
You do have to admire her gall, though.
My, my. Whatever could this be? It appears to be a reprint (the one hundred and forty-seventh edition, I believe) of Nora Roberts's 1991 novel Genuine Lies, and it costs sixteen dollars. Are you k...
The Return
I got an e-mail last week informing me that Scholastic is planning to re-launch Ann M. Martin's Babysitters Club series with new covers and an all-new novel (a prequel) called The Summer Before. F...
Movin' on up
I'm usually not a fan of $14 paperback reprints (particularly when the original book cost far less), but I really like this cover:Awesome, huh? I think I would have left off the lipstick mark (it'...
New-old Jennifer Crusie
I've always been curious about Jennifer Crusie's long-out-of-print early novel The Cinderella Deal, and it's finally being reprinted (with, sadly, a luridly pink-orange cover). Crusie has said thi...
All prettied up
Dude, they've repackaged Maud Hart Lovelace's Betsy-Tacy books for adults!Actually, I don't know if they've done the whole series or just the titles featuring Betsy in her teen years and later, bu...
'Bloom County' fans rejoice
Thanks to the fine people at IDW Publishing, fans of the classic comic strip Bloom County are about to have a dream realized: a high-quality, five-volume-long collection of nearly two years' worth...
So pretty...
We got an e-mail from Sourcebooks yesterday, letting us know the cover art for Georgette Heyer's The Unfinished Clue featured in our 2009 Preview is actually out of date. They've chosen new cover...
Even more Heyer info!
Sourcebooks has announced that they're planning to release several of Georgette Heyer's mysteries next spring, starting with Behold, Here's Poison, Why Shoot a Butler?, and The Unfinished Clue. A...
While wandering through my local bookstore last night, I came across the new line of Puffin Classics re-releases. Each of the titles featured below costs $4.99, and includes an introduction by a w...
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone: 10th Anniversary Edition
Scholastic has announced an upcoming 10th Anniversary edition of J.K. Rowling's first Harry Potter novel, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The re-release will cost $30.00, feature new artwor...