Posts tagged with posters
Holiday Gift Pick #3

Gift Idea #3: Vintage Shakespeare Festival posters
Look, there are a lot of long-running Shakespeare festivals, and they nearly all printed posters, so chances are good you'll find one that strikes your fancy. Personally, I'm thinking of requesting this incredible Romeo and Juliet poster for...
Holiday Gift Guide Idea #8: Any of the literary posters at Pop Chart Lab

Gift Idea #8: Pop Chart Lab's extremely detailed literature-themed posters ($29)...
Lies, damned lies, and statistics (I hope)

I'd like this eye-catching poster more if it conveyed less depressing information. I always find the sales figures for The Da Vinci Code and the Twilight books depressing, but seeing them totally trump The Diary of Anne Frank like that is heartbreaking....
Less is more

I love these: artist Rowan Stocks-Moore has created new, elegantly stripped-down posters for several of Disney's fairytale adaptations, including this absolutely awesome-looking image for Peter Pan. You can see a slideshow of his efforts over on Flavorwire, or check out his Etsy shop, where his prints are available for a mere $20 apiece.
Dolores Umbridge would not approve

And speaking of propaganda posters, I want one of these Harry Potter-inspired prints from Blimp Cat Studio. I'm torn, though: should I go for creepy, or so-cheerful-it-goes-back-to-creepy? Or both?
Revisiting Firefly
If you're a big Joss Whedon fan, you should save some wall space for these awesome (and totally affordable) vintage-travel-style posters designed by Adam Levermore-Rich and inspired by Whedon's sh...
Fairytale pop art
I was going to write a blog post about Anne Rice's upcoming werewolf book, but like I said: I totally don't care about Anne Rice. So let's look at these Disney Underground prints inspired by the ...
Travel to faraway places...
I want these (particularly the Hogwarts one):Maybe not to the extent of selling a kidney, but seriously close.[Via io9]
Cool (in a creepy way)
We here at Wordcandy always enjoy a good re-imagined bookcover, but we get a thrill out of fresh takes on classic movie posters, too... particularly when the films in question are based on familia...
Britney wants you to READ
Flavorwire has compiled a "quick visual history" of the American Library Association's "Read" posters featuring popular musicians (at the time). I'm unclear as to why Bowie is wearing a letterman...
London to Pemberley in 20 stages
Tired of those "Keep Calm and Carry On" posters but still want to adorn your walls with something quintessentially British? How about one of these subway-poster-inspired nods to Pride and Prejudi...
Life Comes At You Fast!
So I am not sure how widespread Nationwide Insurance's "Life Comes At You Fast" ad campain is, but as soon as I saw these billboards I knew I had to post them... I thought we might need some clos...
Hollywood hearts Philip K. Dick
This......becomes this.While some Philip K. Dick purists are convinced that the author is probably spinning in his grave over the casting of poor Keanu, I remain open-minded about this movie. It's...
Historic Reading Posters
Check out these historic reading posters available through Are they not awesome? If only I had a library to hang them in....