Posts tagged with libraries
A fine line

Flavorwire has put together a slideshow of the 25 Most Beautiful Public Libraries in the World, and while it's true all of their choices are amazing, I'm not sure where the line is drawn between "Most Beautiful" and "Most Difficult to Clean". The Stuttgart City Library alone would require a Sorcerer's Apprentice-style army of brooms.
National treasure
AWESOME: I skipped over to AustenBlog to see what happened with the partial manuscript of Jane Austen’s unfinished novel The Watsons that was auctioned off earlier this month. I was delighted to ...
Britney wants you to READ
Flavorwire has compiled a "quick visual history" of the American Library Association's "Read" posters featuring popular musicians (at the time). I'm unclear as to why Bowie is wearing a letterman...
Singin' in the library
Flavorwire has put together a list of ten music videos (plus one bonus clip) set in bookstores and libraries. Their choices range from Ludacris to Van Halen to She and Him, so you should brace yo...