Posts tagged with drugs
A Plague Year, by Edward Bloor

For a book about the devastating effect of methamphetamine on a small Pennsylvania town, Edward Bloor's novel A Plague Year is surprisingly readable. Bloor never shies away from the horror of his subject matter, but his overall message is one of courage—even if it's the kind of courage that only appears after people realize they have nothing left to lose...
Weekly Book Giveaway: A Plague Year, by Edward Bloor

Rarely do we describe books about meth as "wordcandy", but we're giving this one a shot: this week's Book Giveaway pick is Edward Bloor's A Plague Year. (Apparently, the title comes from another cheery text, Daniel Defoe's 1722 novel A Journal of the Plague Year, about the Great Plague hitting London in 1665.) Our review should go up later today...